Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Santiasco, Chile

I arrived today in the twines of the capital of Chile, Santiago. It sits between a few snow capped mountains but are blurred by a grayish gloom of pollution from the city. I arrived with Angelica around mid-day and we were greeted by the other two that had arrived a few days prior. right now we are staying in the house of julian's step-dad but since the house is a bit smalller than what can comfortablly fit us 6 people, Angie and I will presumably try and find an affordable living by tomorrow. We both arrived feeling extremely dirty and needing a serious cleansing. Its amazing what a hot shower can do especially consindering the majority of the opurtunities we have to shower always end up being icy waters. Oh, if I could only wash my clothes... such luxuries I haven´t been able to find since Peru. I hope to take adavantage of the house tomorrow so I can do a bit of laundry but we´ll see how everything goes. As for Chile in general, in reminds me all too much of the states with maybe a touch more of visible poverty though the prices for me seem to take quite a gouge out of my pocket. The chilenos Ive met so far seem to have a short-term memory and a heavy tendency to drink entirely way too much which doesnt make for a great image and I perfer to avoid as many of these situations as possible.... Ive come to know them a 'Chilebrios'. Anyways I suppose Ill stay here for a bit longer and try to save up some more money before either heading South or going west towards argentina. The landscape has finally changed from pure desert to semi- green vegatation and the onset of small peaking mountains. They say that Chile holds much more from la pachamama than the first three regions... we´ll see.

1 comment:

  1. hey chiquilla, te ves muy bien, te extraño :p

    te amo stacy.

    sigue la aventura
