Monday, February 9, 2009

What ball?

Okay, okay... okay. I finally got some true sunlight seaping in at the end of the tunnel. The ball seems to be in forth gear rolling to fifth and yes how my eyes are glossed with anticipation. I have set my departure date for the 9th of March which gives me 4 weeks roughly to get 'mis nalgas' moving and prepare for my long awaited friend, the journey of my life time.. so far at least. So even though my dear coordinatora has lost me in several translations it appears to be a grand journey to Leymebamba. She explains that I will be teaching children by means of a few text books and some photocopies... nothing like a bit of a challenge for my first teaching job right? It costs about $21 weekly for the abode and grub, which turns out to be $84 monthly. I can't disown those jumping nerves that rattle through my body but truly I feel that my heart is steadfast. It had left on an earlier passage down south and I just have to catch up. So as I let my feet carry me, I remain with my eyes to the stars and hope the pebbles from my pocket will all fall into place.


  1. Qué nervios, qué ilusión, va a ser una aventura maravillosa para ti y para todos los que te seguiremos desde aquí.

  2. Hola! Como estas? Sounds like you are in for a great adventure. How did this teaching thing come about? I just started my first teaching job in a remote aboriginal community in the middle of Oz. Cant wait to hear more about what you are doing.
