Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cerro Azul and Lunahuana, Peru

What marvillous days of sun and crashing waves. I have been spending my days soaking in the sun and learning how to surf though it seems quite a bit more challenging then what I had previously assumed. My friend Andres who I met back in Cusco in 2009 has been showing me the ropes around Cerro Azul and the sierra about a half hour from the ocean. His sister, Carmen Lucia, has been lending me her board but because it is smaller and lighter than a long board I have been a bit tardy in standing up on the board. Aside from the stark exhileration of doing something foreign in matters foreign big dark blue dolphins appear beside us gliding along the waves. Its beautiful and terrifying at the same time. There also are enormous seals that are fairly agressive if provoked. Andres and I went up to the valley of Lunahuana to do a bit of rafting. The mountains are naked with unsturdy grainy ground but along the river there were bushes that held viabrant colored flowers that I had never seen mixed together so. The Plaza de Armas had arrangements of deep purples, bright reddish and creamy pinks, blues and iluminating oranges wrapped around the wooden canopy. We met some of Andres`old friends and even met some new ones. I still am not sure how long I will stay and seeing that Christmas is just around the corner Im not sure if Ill be moving all that quickly but most assuredly I will be moving.


  1. Hola Stacy!Te mando un abrazo fuerte y buenos pensamientos desde TX. Que maravilla surfear con los delfines :) Disfruta al máximo!

  2. Hola Sissie!
    It's been a while since I have heard a peep, so I am just getting to your blog! Thinking of you as always, but especially now at Christmas. We are hoping you are safe and warm, and we surround you with loving thoughts and Christ's protection. Love you so much.
    Wendy and James and the Boys
