Thursday, April 2, 2009

La Locaza

So each day brings new light and learning. It is hard to really take in everything that I have been exposed to in just a few weeks. Machismo is so very apparent in every action and movement. It is hard to really grasp a culture so potently different. It is quite catholic and therefore the long standing tradition of roles between men and women are almost impossible to change. I am soaking in as much as possible but still feel like I have a long ways to go before true understanding can take root. Coming from a cultural that is capitalistic and far better off puts me in a somewhat akward cultural clash. It is certainly not a bad thing but rather I am realizing how quite naive I am to so many things. Most of the people here live for the day simply because they do not have anything left for tomorrow. Tomorrow is something far, far away from today. We as a developed country live our lives in the future always expecting more from the next day. There is not much education and there are so many that are not able to read.
Yes my job has been very relaxed here as a volunteer and it seems more like a way to pass time then actually benefiting a cause. I have decided that my time in Huanchaco is coming to a close and for Semana Santa I have an itch to travel north a bit before arriving in Leymabamba. Cajamarca is a nice traditional town as well as many others settled in the twines of the jungle. I have been a bit lazy putting my pictures up but only because the computers here are very old and take so long to upload. One day when I have more time to spend I will try and set up some sort of album but until then a few pictures here and there will have to sufice.

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow comes today.

    i'll be waiting for more pictures and experiencies, keep up writing. Love ya!
